149. Frank Emi

A portrait of Frank Emi while interred at Heart Mountain in Wyoming.

Frank Emi, a figure from anti-fascist history? But he’s American! Oh noooooooo

We close out our miniseries on anti-fascist history by taking a look uncomfortably close to home by talking about the heroics of Frank Emi! Plus, we’re joined by the brilliant and hilarious Kira MagCalen. Zach admits when he’s wrong, Kira knows how she would act under pressure, and Brian learns a horrible salsa truth.

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148. Kate McCarthy

A sepia portrait of Sister Kate McCarthy in her habit and dark-rimmed glasses

Sister Kate McCarthy, seen either about to choke a fascist or critique your cursive.

Sister Kate McCarthy was a six-foot nun who killed Nazis. If you aren’t already into this story, I don’t know that I can help you. Join us and returning guest Kris Boruff (of the Movie Trap podcast) as we continue our miniseries on anti-fascist history! Zach gives us an impossible movie title task, Kris talks about how to hide a nun, and—for one lucky listener—Brian unlocks a suppressed nun fetish.

We love hearing from you! Reach out via our website or Instagram or take your support even further by pledging as little as $1 a month on Patreon.

147. Raoul Wallenberg

Raoul Wallenberg

A young Raoul Wallenberg, being told to “look virtuous”

CONTENT WARNING: This episode deals with the violence of the Holocaust. We don’t go into graphic detail, but it also can’t be avoided.

We wrap up our con artists miniseries and kick off our “Resisting Fascism” miniseries (the fascists made us do it) by talking about someone who used his con artist skills for the ultimate good: Raoul Wallenberg! Special guest Bridget Callahan joins us, and helps us remember that we are still technically a comedy podcast! Zach, Bridget, and Brian want you to help fight fascism with whatever tools you have (also it’s very late at night and I’m mad so this is in lieu of the traditional show notes).

We love hearing from you! Reach out with a comment or question via our website or Instagram and take your support to the next level by pledging as little as a dollar a month on our Patreon to unlock fun rewards!

135. Witold Pilecki

Witold Pilecki, who chose to be here

Witold Pilecki, who chose to be here

One more spy story before the Halloween season, and this time we’re looking at bona fide hero Witold Pilecki. Joining us to discuss this sensitive topic is returning guest, Denver comedy’s own Jose McCall. Zach reacquaints himself with an early 2000s director, Jose discusses when it’s appropriate to be a square and a snitch, and Brian is tasked with possibly the trickiest alternate history yet.

We love hearing from you! Reach out via our website, Twitter, or Instagram, and take your support further by pledging as little as $1/month on Patreon

132. Operation Fortitude

Nazis thought this was real, proving again how dumb Nazis are

Nazis thought this was real, proving again how dumb Nazis are

We’re back with more thrilling tales of espionage! This week, we’re examining the trickery of Operation Fortitude. To help distinguish between truth and deception, we’re joined by Patrick Hamilton of the Kill by Kill podcast! Patrick explores how fascism changes, Zach thanks an unlikely ally in the fight against Nazis, and Brian gives a nuanced critique of Wile E. Coyote.

We love hearing from you! Reach out via our website, Twitter, or Instagram, or take it to the next level (platonically) by pledging as little as $1 a month on our Patreon.

131. Lionel Crabb

Lionel Crabb, not exactly the picture of health.

Lionel Crabb, not exactly the picture of health.

Our miniseries on spies continues! This week, we look at disappeared British frogman Lionel Crabb! To help us clear up these murky waters, we welcome back Mitch Jones (of the Broadcast Geeks podcast). Mitch gets a celebrity VO, Brian shows his love for 90’s pop-punk, and Zach sets a trap.

*We recorded this episode using Zoom audio, so apologies for the occasional hiccup.

**Also, sorry for the delayed release! We had a scheduling issue due to family matters (actual events, not the TV show).

We love hearing from you! Send us a letter, or fanart here or by emailing revisionistspodcast@gmail.com. Follow us on Twitter or Instagram, or go all the way and support us on Patreon.

128. Coco Chanel

Coco Chanel. How could someone dress like this and be a spy?

Coco Chanel. How could someone dress like this and be a spy?

We’re back from hiatus! Helping us kick the dust off the tires is the always charming Daniel Daughhetee to help us explore the secret history of “feminist icon” Coco Chanel! In the miniseries on spies! Bit of a spoiler there. Brian speculates on what different celebrities are packing, Daniel reveals the true homeland of antifa, and Zach’s alternate might include Disney’s first openly gay character (but probably not).

Please help our friend and previous guest Danny Ramos as he recovers from a tragic hit and run. We’re hoping to cover his medical expenses via his GoFundMe.

We love hearing from you! You can write us at our website, or just follow us on Twitter or Instagram.

CLASSIC: Ida B. Wells & The White Rose

Ida B. Wells-Barnett

Ida B. Wells-Barnett

While Brian’s leave continues, please enjoy one of our all-time favorite episodes! In the wake of the 2016 election, we scrapped our usual format and recorded a two-parter with special guests Janae Burris and Christie Buchele. We bring you part two, where Janae and Christie discuss a couple of historical resistance heroes: Ida B. Wells & the White Rose.
We’re thrilled to be joined once again by Janae Burris and Christie Buchele for another special episode! Janae and Christie are here to talk about Ida B. Wells and the White Rose, and we still try to deal with the election of President Putin’s puffier cousin. In this episode, Zach calls Gollum on his horseshit, Janae practices her new closer, Christie asserts her place on the list of very important people, and Brian abandons all hope of segues. As serious as this episode gets, one of the best tangents ever in the show happens in this episode, so check it out!

Sophie Scholl, part of the White Rose.

Sophie Scholl, part of the White Rose.

106: Wernher Von Braun

Part one of our 1600 part series on Nazi scientists working in America: this episode we discuss Wernher Von Braun and the early days of NASA! The hilarious Nate Earl returns and Clippy’s in there too. Meanwhile, Zach reveals what’s behind the kimono, Nate packs for his ocean voyage, and Brian finally uses his BA.

Become part of our community by following us on Instagram and Twitter, and donating on our Patreon page!

Check out all the great shows on the Denver Podcast Network.

Wernher Von Braun for NASA in the 1960s.

Wernher Von Braun for NASA in the 1960s.

Episode 66: Jeanette Rankin

The terrific Christie Buchele returns to help us discuss the remarkable Jeannette Rankin! Meanwhile, Zach shares his drinking problem with Brian, Christie isn’t here for any nerd crap, and Brian definitely just saw Avengers.

Support our show by donating over at our Patreon page!

Be sure to check out all the awesome shows on the Denver Podcast Network!